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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our horses in Egypt by Rosalind Belben

Not long after World War 1 has ended, Griselda Romney, the widow of a British Naval Commander, gets the news that her beloved horse Philomena may still be alive. The horse had been requisitioned along with thousands of others and sent to the Middle East to serve as cavalry horses. After the war ended, the horses were left behind.
Griselda leaves her young son in the care of relatives and sets off with her daughter and nanny in tow to Egypt to find her horse and bring it back to England.
The novel is well researched and is so accurate it almost feels as though you are reading a biography or non-fiction, and in some ways you are. The chapters alternate between the present and Griselda’s search for her horse, and then into the past when you see the horrors of war through the eyes of Philomena and the men she serves. The story is written in such a way that it makes history come alive, and makes it more personal. The only criticism I would have is that the story sometimes overstepped the mark by becoming a little too bogged down in facts and detail but it was a great read nevertheless.

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