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Thursday, February 12, 2015

WE love libraries because...

Tomorrow, while some of us will be celebrating with bubbles, flowers and choccies, remember that Saturday 14th February is also LIBRARY LOVERS DAY.

Why do we love libraries? Here are a few reasons, let us know yours.

The books are free (so is the wifi and computer use)

Things are tidy and organised

They take us places

They help us learn

They connect communities

Everyone is welcome

They introduce us to new ideas, concepts

They preserve, protect and celebrate the past

They are quiet, peaceful spaces ( well, sometimes)

They are safe

They highlight diversity

They're dynamic, responsive and always revolving

and we have to say it...

The staff are awesome

So Happy Library Lovers Day. Maybe you'll visit us and share our special day. you can always share those choccies too...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Short reading, reading in shorts, short and reading...

Short /ʃɔːt/ (Adjective)

  • measuring a small distance from end to end.
  • lasting or taking a small amount of time.
Short reads...
  • Narrative prose
  • Few characters
  • Unity of effect
  • Creation of mood
If your time to read
  • is limited,
  • or you like to read in shorts
  • or you like short words
  • or not many words at all...
Visit us this month. We're big on short reads.