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Monday, September 23, 2013

Brighter futures

It's Tulip Time in the Highlands. This year's colour theme is red and the slogan is "towards brighter futures". In the library, we think information is definitely a way towards a brighter future, so come and see what we have to offer. You may also like to see how many of our "tulip" titles you have already read.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Revisit the 1900s with a penguin

It may be Spring in the Highlands, but in the library we are over run with penguins! No, not black and white ones, but green, popular and perennial re-releases from Penguin Publishers. If you haven't already read these crime novels now may be a good time to try a few. If you have read them, are they worth another look? Do you feel the same way about them this read around?