This is the last month of the National Year of Reading, so we are
celebrating what you love to read.
Is it
- devouring a book cover to cover, and then starting at the beginning
- poring through each recipe, and the stories in between
- exploring the repair manual so you can fix your car
- discovering the story in the game so you understand the game
- watching the episodic movie breaks between one game level and the
next to experience the story
- tweets
- blogs
- signs
- information to get stuff done
- information for fun
- in any format any time
- facts and figures
- lifesaving or death defying
- therapeutic
- relaxing
- searching flickr images
- flicking through pages, just reading a few words
- watching the faces in the crowd as an author/storyteller engages
the audience in their story
- reading in games
Is it
- fun, sad, traumatic, confusing, fast, slow, episodic, continual
- collaborative
- participatory
- exclusive
- inclusive
I’m reading when I check my email, I’m reading while I download songs,
I’m reading when I sort my bills from the ones I must pay now to the ones that
can wait a little longer. The act of reading is an everyday activity. The act
of taking time out to read the story behind the recipe, the description of the
engine space, the context of the game.
I read while I’m driving, not just street signs and maps but also the
behaviour of the cars/drivers around me – are they going to pass or not? I’m
also reading fuel gauges and speedos to provide added context to my driving.
Is it reading on paper, on a screen, on t-shirts, signs, or buildings.
What do you love2read? Where do you love2read?
So while the National Year of
Reading 2012 will finish at the end of
December, the Readers Advisory blog will
return in 2013 at this address More
great monthly themes, more great suggestions. The monthly Twitter Reading Group
will continue to meet on the last Tuesday of the month 8pm AEST. The library website
remains at
Merry Christmas from the library, may your stocking be filled with Good